Oiza Dimowo, a 1st year BCMB student and VTSI scholar, starts her third rotation in the Claypool Lab. Armed with recently acquired CSD knowledge, Oiza seeks to see if a dangerous precursor gets stuck in transit. To clog or not to clog, that is her question. Kind of.
Chi Xie, a 1st year BMB masters student, starts a rotation in the Claypool lab. Chi will be revisiting an exciting and conserved lipid-protein interaction under the tutelage of Zach. Welcome, Chi!
Over zoom, Bradley Wagaman, a Biotechnology MS student at JHU, and Steve shake hands and decide to develop a virtual independent research project. Bradley is charged with analyzing and prettifying some neglected RNSseq data that for sure contains gold. Gold! From Minnesota to Maryland, the reach of the MPRC continues to grow!
Nanami's K99 is selected for funding by the NHLBI! Great decision and huge accomplishment!
1st Day Alert! The Claypool Lab is rambunctiously excited to have Dr. Rashima Prem join our group and begin her post-doctoral training. Welcome!
Nanami's story is in the news!
~13 years from inception to publication, Nanami's beautiful study detailing the structural and functional roles of 3 conserved cardiolipin binding sites in Aac2/ANT1 is published at The EMBO Journal. Worth the wait because the story is gorgeous.
Avaneesh Babu, a Hopkins Freshman, has joined the MPRC. Avaneesh, who is packed with enthusiasm, will be working under the tutelage of Kenzie. Synergy or chaos? Got my popcorn and a front row seat!
The MPRC welcomes our new Research Technologist, Macie Sheridan! All Aboard!
Steve’s ER/Psd1 grant is funded by NIGMS!
Ara Wally, an early-matriculating 1st year CMP student and VTSI scholar, starts a summer rotation in the Claypool Lab. Ara aims to blend yeast with pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells during her rotation.
We’re seeing double and loving it! Kenzie and Zach have decided to join the Claypool Lab!
Muzna Saqib, a 1st year CMP student destined for mouse-work, starts her third rotation in the Claypool lab. Muzna’s rotation is in honor of the great Tafazzi!
Zach Irwin, a 1st year CMP student with a West Coast perspective, starts his second rotation in the Claypool lab. Zach has chosen the role of closer.....let's get things finished!
Steve’s ADP/ATP Carrier-Cardiolipin grant is funded by NHLBI!
Yllka represents the Claypool lab, CSM-SIP, and herself at the annual ABRCMs Meeting in Anaheim, CA.
Kenzie Primrose, an uber-smart 1st year CMP student, starts her first rotation in the Claypool lab. Kenzie will be mentored by none other than me. Let’s do some science, inducibly even!
Alex has left the Claypool Lab and is headed to California where he’ll be a graduate student in the Molecular and Cell Biology graduate program at UC Berkeley. Thanks for your hard work and good luck in your PhD training!
Salloni Gill, a SARE scholar, joins the lab for the Summer and will be working with Alex. Let's do some science!
Sean Agbor-Enoh, a PCCM-SIP scholar, joins the lab for the Summer and will be working with Dr. Hyatt. All Aboard!
Yllka Valdez joins the lab as a CSM-SIP scholar. Yllka will be working with Dr. Senoo this summer. Welcome!
Manuella Ribas Andrade, an inspiring 1st year CMP student, begins her final rotation in the Claypool Lab working under the guidance of Alex. Welcome!
Nanami receives the Alfred Blalock Young Investigators' Day Award for her amazing work on ADP/ATP carriers and cardiolipin. Well-deserved recognition and super proud!
The Claypool Lab welcomes Dr. Hayden Hyatt to the team! Now get to work!
Alex's 2nd blog on how to select the right PI for you is posted on the ASCB website!
The NIGMS selects Juliana Marquez’s application for Summer Undergrad Research support! Thanks for recognizing Juliana’s scientific potential.
Nanami’s AHA award will be co-funded by the Barth Syndrome Foundation, the first time that the two scientific organizations are co-funding a postdoctoral fellowship. Here's the press release.
PSam is officially doctorized! Having earned his PhD, PSam will be working with the Boston Consulting Group and making a global impact! We’ll miss you PSam!
Nanami’s Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship was selected for funding! Although Nanami declined this opportunity because of her AHA award, it was still a huge honor.
Dr. Senoo is awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association! Congrats Nanami!
Juliana Marquez, Hopkins Undergrad, is virtual no more! Prodensity approved, Juliana is in the lab!
The Claypool Lab welcomes Dr. Wenjia Lou to the lab. We are excited to have you join our team!
Dr. Acoba has left the Claypool Lab to start a Post-Doc in Dr. Ben Tu's lab at UTSW. Thanks for being such a great student and colleague. We miss you and look forward to all of your future successes!
PSam receives a Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Award! Another well-deserved honor for an amazing person!
Nanami's Science Advances paper is getting attention!
Introducing THE Dr. Michelle Acoba! We're so proud of everything you have accomplished and know that this is just the tip of the iceberg in you scientific career!
Alex's Diversity Supplement is recommended for funding by NIGMS! Fantastic support for an budding scientific star!
Alex's blog on the benefits of a post-baccalaureate experience is posted on the ASCB website! Check it our here.
The Claypool Lab is excited to host Henry Cheng, CMP student, for his first rotation. Henry will be co-mentored by Michelle and Nanami. Let's do some socially distanced, but not isolated, science!
Juliana Marquez, new Hopkins Undergrad, joins the lab, virtually of course. We can't wait until you are able to physically join the lab!
Alex Maya-Romero, DDP scholar extraordinaire, is joining the Psd1 team and will be working with PSam. Welcome aboard!
Nanami's paper detailing the numerous ways that cardiolipin supports the structure and function of Aac2 is accepted at Science Advances! Absolutely beautiful biochemical work, Nanami!
It's official. Boss is now a Total, Complete, and Absolute Professor!
Claypool Lab is shiftily back up and running, with masks and social distancing, of course.
Phospholipid Ebb and Flow is given the go at The Journal of Cell Biology! 100% the awesome work of Michelle and Nanami. You both are stars!
Collaborative NIGMS R01 grant with the Alder Lab at UConn is funded.
Kyle Rhodehouse, a sophisticated 1st year BCMB student, starts his rotation in the Claypool lab. Kyle will be joining Team Verpool and working on TAZ.
Erica is selected to attend the AAAS CASE symposium. The CLAYPOOL lab bleeds science advocacy!
PSam begins his 12 week Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship. We'll miss you but hope you make the most of this great opportunity.
PSam's inspirational story is published in ASBMB Today. Great read and well worth a gander.
PSam and Erica's Review is accepted at ACS Chemical Biology. Good work!
The Claypool Lab is thrilled to have Dr. Nanami Senoo join our group and begin her post-doctoral training. Welcome!
PSam wins best poster ever award at inaugural Mitochondria in Health and Disease GRC Meeting! His reward: prepare and present a short talk later that day! His performance? Memorable! Congrats!
Xuechun Zhang, an independent 1st year CMP student, begins her final rotation in the Claypool Lab working under the guidance of Michelle and Erica.
Liz’s epic study showing that PE made in inner membrane is especially important for complex III activity is accepted by Nature Communications! Great recognition for a huge volume of work.
PSam’s collaborative study with the Shutt lab on pathogenic mutations in human PISD is accepted by Life Science Alliance! Very important study.
Seun’s review that describes emerging roles of mitochondrial carriers in complex IV biogenesis is accepted by Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!
Erika Smith, a thoughtful 1st year BCMB student, begins her second rotation in the Claypool Lab working under the tutelage of the Professor aka Michelle Acoba.
The Claypool lab is losing Liz for good (super sad emoji). Next step for Liz is to be an ORISE Fellow at the FDA. Good luck, Liz!
Isaac Ogunmola, a 1st year CMP student, begins his rotation in the Claypool Lab working with PSam.
Dr. Elizabeth Calzada is here! Although she might have thought this day would never come, we all did! Congrats, Liz!
Jake Saba, an insightful MSTP student, begins his summer rotation in the Claypool Lab.
Seun’s last day in Baltimore! Seun is moving to Atlanta to begin a Pathology Residency at Emory University. Keep doing awesome, Seun!
Seun is now a double doctor! Dr. Ogunbona defended his thesis and earned his Ph.D. in five short years. What’s next? Can’t wait to find out!
Selva’s last day in the lab. Thanks for all of your hard work and good luck back in India!
Seun’s work that describes an unexpected role of Aac2 transport in regulating the translation of complex IV subunits encoded by mitochondrial genome is accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell! Finally!
Steve’s grant “Mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine metabolism” is renewed by NIGMS!
Seun’s thesis work was selected for the Alicia Showalter Reynolds Award by the Young Investigators’ Day Committee! Really fantastic recognition of a stellar graduate student!
Erica is joining the team! The Claypool Lab is thrilled by her decision!
Team Psd1, led by Seun and Ouma, are on the board again. Their epic study characterizing the proteolytic requirements for removal of temperature sensitive Psd1 is accepted by Molecular and Cellular Biology.
YaWen and Michelle’s ANT interactome paper is accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell! Both conserved and metazoan-specific binding partners are revealed.
Molly Gordon, a 1st year BCMB student who loves art, begins her final rotation in the Claypool Lab.
PSam is awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! An impactful award for an impactful human!
Erica Avery, a CMP newbie, begins her first rotation in the Claypool Lab. Erica will be mentored by Liz. Welcome!
The Wizzle era is over! YaWen is moving to Cali to begin a fellowship at Amgen. Thanks for everything you did here! You are irreplaceable!
Michelle is awarded a pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association! The first of many accolades!
Ouma’s last day (sad emoji). Ouma is moving west to be a post-doc in the Bogyo Lab at Stanford. Work Hard!
Dr. Onguka has arrived! Yesterday, he was a Mr. Today, he is a Dr. Great Job Ouma!
YaWen’s study on human Tafazzin is accepted by Human Molecular Genetics. Great work!
A doctor is born! Congrats to Dr. YaWen Lu on completing her thesis!
Dr. Adam Cornish has decided to explore other career paths besides bench science. We support this tough decision and wish you the best of luck moving forward!
Liz and Ouma’s chapter on PE metabolism in health and disease is accepted by International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology.
James Osei-Owusu, a 1st year CMP student that hails from Ghana, begins his rotation in the Claypool Lab under the direction of Ouma.
YaWen wins a Best Poster Award at the 2015 Molecular & Cellular Biology of Lipids Gordon Research Conference! Great job Wizzle!
Seun is awarded a pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association! Great job, Seun!
Pingdewinde Sam, an energetic 1st year CMP student, begins his summer rotation in the Claypool Lab. PSam will be trained and mentored by Ouma.
Michelle has decided to join the Claypool Lab and we are super-excited to have her to so!
Team Psd, led by Ouma, is on the board. Ouma’s paper on Psd1 autocatalysis is accepted for publication by The Journal of Biological Chemistry!
Dr. Selva Kandasamy joins the Claypool Lab as a new post-doctoral fellow. Welcome to the team, Selva!
YaWen’s review suggesting that disorders of phospholipid metabolism represent a novel emerging class of mitochondrial disease is accepted by Frontiers in Genetics! This is a fantastic and thought-provoking contribution!
Dr. Adam Cornish joins the Claypool Lab. Adam is beginning his second post-doctoral fellowship. We’re glad to have you join our ranks!
Michelle Acoba, a phenomenal 1st year CMP student, begins her rotation in the Claypool Lab working under the supervision of the future Dr. YaWen Lu.
Matt’s time in the Claypool Lab is at its end! Matt is leaving us to begin a postdoctoral fellowship in the Emr Lab at Cornell. Good luck!
YaWen wins a best poster award at the 2014 Barth Syndrome International Scientific, Medical, and Family Conference in Clearwater Beach, FL! Her reward was to present her were as a short talk and she did awesome!
Matt gives an invited talk at the 2014 Barth Syndrome International Scientific, Medical, and Family Conference in Clearwater Beach, FL!
Steve’s grant “Mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine metabolism” is funded by NIGMS!
Seun, aka Ogun-Papa, joins the Claypool Lab full-time. We are thrilled to have you augment our group
Dr. Matt Baile is in the house! Congrats on officially becoming a Ph.D.!
Matt’s thesis work was selected for the Matte Strand Research Award by the Young Investigators’ Day Committee! Way to go Baile!
Michelle Levine, a gregarious 1st year BCMB student, starts her rotation in the Claypool lab working with YaWen Lu.
Matt’s paradigm-shifting study that compares the functionality of remodeled and unremodeled cardiolipin is published by The Journal of Biological Chemistry!
Matt and YaWen’s review on yeast cardiolipin remodeling is accepted by Chemistry and Physics of Lipids! Teamwork makes the dream work.
Oluwaseun Ogunbona, a 1st year CMP student with a M.D. from Nigeria, begins his rotation in the Claypool Lab and will work under the guidance of the almost Dr. Baile.
Matt’s study on the cell biology and regulation of Cld1 is accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell!
Liz Calzada, an extremely gifted 1st year BCMB student, starts her rotation in the Claypool lab working with Ouma Onguka.
Steve’s R01 grant “Cardiolipin and the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier interactome” is selected for funding by NHLBI!
KTan’s comprehensive characterization of 21 Barth syndrome-associated missense alleles is accepted for publication by Human Molecular Genetics. Congrats!
YaWen is awarded a pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association! Awesome achievement, Wizzle!
Steve’s grant “Characterizing endogenous mammalian TAZ1” is funded by the Barth Syndrome Foundation!
Matt’s Mitochondrial Diseasosome review is accepted!
Theron earns his MS degree! Good luck moving forward, Theron!
Trends in Biochemical Sciences greenlights Steve’s review “The Complexities of Cardiolipin in Health and Disease” for publication.
Mark Zbinden, 1st BCMB student, joins the lab for a rotation working with Matt Baile.
Steven and Kevin’s manuscript detailing a novel loss-of-function mechanism for certain Barth Syndrome alleles is accepted for publication at the Journal of Cell Biology!
Both Ouma and Theron have taken the leap and officially joined the Claypool Lab! Welcome aboard!
Two more rotation students test the waters in the Claypool Lab: Theron Gilliland (the first CMP student to brave the Claypool Lab for a rotation) and Ouma Onguka (BCMB).
YaWen Lu has officially joined The Claypool Lab! Exciting new recruit!
YaWen Lu and Diedre Johnson, 1st year BCMB students, begin their rotations in the Claypool Lab. All hands on deck!
Matt passes his Oral Qualifying Exam and is now an official PhD candidate. Great job Matt!
Matt Baile has officially joined The Claypool Lab! Let’s get to work.
Steve’s review in BBA – Biomembranes is accepted.
Matt Baile, a 1st year BCMB student, starts his rotation in The Claypool Lab.
Kevin Whited is officially the first full-time member of the Claypool Lab. Welcome to the family!
The Claypool Lab welcomes its first ever roton, Pam Ronco, a 1st year student in BCMB.
The Claypool Lab is born in the Department of Physiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine!